College Chaplain
4 days ago
Position Description
**Position Title **Chaplain
**Reports To **Head of College
**College Objective **At Geelong Lutheran College it is expected that each staff member will support the
Christian ethos of the College, as referred to in the Statement of Faith on our website,
and demonstrate courtesy, cooperation and teamwork with fellow members of staff.
A good example of Christian living is to be given to children and parents by words and
Our Christian Education environment depends largely on the maturity and
professionalism of all staff members co-operating fully with the Head of College,
Principal, Heads of Sub-Schools, other staff and the College Council. Staff are to
adhere to the policies and the Lutheran teachings and to foster the ethos, culture and
traditions of Geelong Lutheran College.
**Position Overview **The role of Chaplain may be a Lutheran Pastor or a Lutheran Lay Person. The Chaplain
will be required to develop positive working relationships with the Head of College,
Principal, Head of Schools, Wellbeing Staff and other staff. Regular meetings with the
Head of College and other key staff is an important part of this role.
Through their ministry, the Chaplain will work closely with staff and students in their
witness and service. The Chaplain will need to demonstrate an ability to relate
positively with members of our community, follow the College policies, and foster the
ethos, culture and traditions of Geelong Lutheran College.
A primary focus of the Chaplain is to have responsibility for:
- ministry in the College through worship,
- faith formation,
- leadership in the Christian Studies program, P - Year 12, through the Lutheran
Education Australia CSCF framework and
- the pastoral care of staff.
**Position Purpose **The Chaplain will display high levels of initiative and responsibility and therefore
require a minimum of supervision. This role is responsible to the Head of College, the
Spiritual Head of the College, for the performance of their duties.
The Chaplain shall:
- Assist the College’s community by upholding the Christian perspective of
coherence (Ephesians 1:10) to engender faith, hope, purpose and service to
- Oversee the worship program, show leadership in the implementation of the
Christian Studies program, faith formation and pastoral care of staff.
**General Expectations **At Geelong Lutheran College, it is expected that those staff who interact with
stakeholders will support the Christian ethos of the College. A good example for
Christian living is to be given to children and parents by staff, words and actions.
Where feedback is needed, this is to be given in a loving, caring manner and
forgiveness is to be freely offered to children who err as God forgives each of us for
Jesus’ sake.
**Skills, Experience and Personal Skills and Attributes**:
**Attributes **It is assumed that the Chaplain will:
- Set a good example of Christian living in the College and their private life. In
particular, be active worshipping member of the Lutheran Church
- Demonstrate a strong commitment and a willingness to openly support and
articulate the ethos of our College
- Work cooperatively with other staff members and be a leader in building
- Maintain confidentiality
- Respond to the needs of staff, students and families of the College
- Be committed to undertaking out-of-hours activities related to the ministry
aspects of the College
- Undertake training and development related to the position as directed by
the Head of College
**Specific Skills/Requirements**:
The nature of the position requires the Chaplain to demonstrate:
- Qualification and experience in Lutheran Theology
- A professional outlook on education and the needs of students
- A high level of organisation and interpersonal skills
- An ability to adapt and thrive in a new and changing environment
- A good level of computer literacy skills
- A capacity to be an effective worship leader
- An ability to make decisions and the conviction to uphold them
- High levels of initiative and responsibility
- An ability to promote positive staff morale and a team ethic
- An ability to communicate effectively with young people and adults
- An ability to interact effectively with people who hold different beliefs and
- Working with Children’s Check/National Police Check
**Experience and Knowledge**:
Applicants must have experience in and knowledge of:
- Working with young people
- Working as a cohesive member of a team
- Supporting people directly, through programs or resourcing
- Responding appropriately to individuals with personal difficulties
- The characteristics and needs of young people
- Current social, community and educational issues related to young people
and their families
- Ethical decision-making processes
- Professional disclosure and confidentiality requirements
**Qualifications and **Preferred qualifications in Lutheran theology and education. Experien