Teacher Librarian

1 month ago

Illawarra, Australia NSW Government -Teaching Service Full time

**Position Information**:
Crookwell High school is a comprehensive rural high school with strong connections to our local community. It is situated in fertile pastoral country approximately 2.5 hours south west of Sydney, at an elevation of 887 metres. The school population is approximately 215 Students (13 students identify as Aboriginal and 3 students with a language background other than English) and 34 teaching and support staff, with one Multi-Categorical class. Our student leadership teams include our School Captains and Prefects, Sporting House Captains and Student Representative Council. Our local area has a population of approximately 3100 people, with Agriculture being a predominate employment source. Our local community is a very strong supporter of our youth, with many students moving into local employment. Our Year 12 leavers are generally split with 55% going into full-time employment and vocational training, and 45% into tertiary study. Sport and community service are strong motivators for our student body, as well as educational aspirations into rural industries. We are recognised as a Centre for STEM Excellence as well as for our achievements in supporting wellbeing and positive education.

**Selection Criteria**:

- Approval to teach secondary library or currently undertaking or currently enrolled in teacher librarian qualifications approved by the NSW Department of Education.
- Demonstrated experience and/or ability to lead and co-ordinate programs, systems and procedures to support the effective functioning of a future-focused library which supports flexible 21st Century learning opportunities.
- Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with students, colleagues and faculties to support innovative teaching and learning practices for delivery in flexible learning spaces, including the use of digital technologies and resources.
- Demonstrated strong interpersonal, communication and organisation skills, with an ability to build positive and effective relationships with students, staff, parents and the community.

**Special Notes**:
If applicable engagement will be temporary until successful completion of the Teacher Librarian qualifications as recognised by the NSW Department of Education, which must be completed within 24 months.

**About the NSW Department of Education