(As845) Acorn, CEO
1 week ago
About the role
- National leadership opportunity
- for patient safety in the perioperative setting
- National leadership opportunity as advocate for patient safety in the perioperative setting
The Australian College of Perioperative Nurses (known as ACORN) traces its origins back to 1977. A peak body and registered health promotion charity, it serves the patient, the community and the perioperative profession in promoting the prevention and control of disease.
You will take responsibility for ACORN’s leadership, delivering the strategic plan through inspirational team management and nurturing constructive relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
Ideally experienced in nursing, you are a servant leader who is familiar with the enhancement of professional standards in an environment of membership engagement and development. Your career success is based on a combination of business acumen and emotional intelligence.
Position Profile
Reports to title: Board of Directors
Positions Directly Supervised by this role:
Education Officer
Journal Editor
The CEO is responsible for to the Board of Directors for the strategic management of the Australian College of Perioperative Nurses, including:
- Inspiring a sense of purpose and direction
- Nurturing internal and external relationships
- Serving (in conjunction with the Board Chair) as the spokesperson for the organisation
- Building organisational capacity and serving as the senior leader of the staff organisation
- Delivering on the strategic plan of the organisation
- Delivering on annual program plans and budgets for the organisation
- Strategic management
- Implement the strategic plan of the organisation approved by the Board
- To organise for the review and renewal of the strategic plan at regular intervals (i.e. every three years with reviews at the 1.5 year mark)
- Oversight of operations
- Provide oversight of the entire staff organisation on behalf of the Board
- To develop an organisational development plan for the organisation
- To create new staff positions as required to fulfil the mandate of the College within the guidelines and budget set by the Board from time to time
- To ensure that appropriate performance management systems are in place
- To create a positive and empowering organisational culture
- To comply with all Workplace Health and Safety regulations
- To comply with all relevant industrial relations legislations and that staff are paid according to their respective employment agreements and/or awards and that superannuation and PAY-G tax payments are made on a timely basis
- To directly supervise perioperative staff of the College
- To recruit and hire all perioperative staff of the College
- To support the COO in the recruitment and hiring of non-perioperative staff of the College
- Work closely with the Chief Operating Officer to ensure effective:
- Compliance with regulatory requirements
- Financial Management
- Business Development
- Systems management
- Membership management
- Publications management
- Communications management
- Staff management and organisational development
- Effective governance of the College
- To ensure the Board operates in compliance with the Constitution and Company Charter at all times
- To arrange for the proper induction and training of new directors
- To ensure that the risks to the organisation are documented and mitigated in line with direction from the Board and/or the Audit and Risk Committee
- Work with the Board Chair and Company Secretary to:
- Set an annual schedule of meetings, including Annual General Meetings
- Develop meeting agendas and prepare meeting papers in conjunction with the COO
- Ensure that accurate minutes are taken and that action items are completed in a timely manner
- To facilitate a periodic evaluation of Board performance
- Effective operation of the ACORN Federation
- To ensure positive relations with the Local Associations
- To regularly communicate with the Local Associations
- To negotiate affiliation Agreements with the Local Associations that meet the needs of ACORN and the Local Associations
- To assist the Board Chair in operating a Council of Local Associations to ensure that the Board is in direct communications with the Local Associations
- Advocacy and stakeholder management
- To cultivate positive relationships between the College and stakeholders including, government, other nursing colleges and regulatory bodies, relevant medical colleges, relevant associations and other stakeholders as identified from time to time
- To maintain a watching brief of issues impacting perioperative nursing and the College
- To work with the board to develop policy positions on issues impacting perioperative nurses and the College
- To prepare policy submissions to government and other bodies in response to enquiries, commissions and hearings
- Communications
- To act (in conjunction with