Environmental Geoscientist

4 weeks ago

Kingston, Australia Australian Government - Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Full time

Research Scientist (APS6 - EL1) - $91,944 - $129,379 per annum plus superannuation
- Australian Antarctic Division
- Kingston, TAS
- _Work in a motivated team of scientists, engineers and specialists committed to Australia's environmental stewardship in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic, including the delivery of the Antarctic Clean-Up Strategy._
- _Provide scientific expertise in support of the whole of the Environmental Stewardship Program, with initial priority for the Cleaner Antarctic science program of works, with a core focus on leading, using, and integrating spatial data capture (e.g. GNSS, UAVs) and data visualisation in support of the full suite of environmental stewardship activities. _
- _Engage widely within the AAD and with external partners to deliver on whole of division Environmental Stewardship priorities_

**Who we are**
The Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) is part of the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. As primary agency for Australia's Antarctic Program (AAP), the AAD is responsible for achieving the Australian Government's Antarctic goals. These goals are to:

- maintain the Antarctic Treaty System and enhance Australia's influence within it
- protect the Antarctic environment
- understand the role of Antarctica in the global climate system
- undertake scientific work of practical, economic and national significance

The AAD also has responsibility for administering the Australian Antarctic Territory and the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands.

The AAD Science Branch leads, conducts and supports a world class program of scientific research and environmental management, consistent with national priorities through the Australian Antarctic Science Strategic Plan. The branch provides research and advice to support Australia’s Antarctic policy objectives, including participation in the Antarctic Treaty system and other international committees, commissions and intergovernmental panels. It manages and administers the Australian Antarctic Science Program and provides scientific and research advice to support regulatory and management decisions. The branch provides advice for Antarctic capability projects, conducts impact assessments and develops and implements strategies to address environmental legacies while undertaking targeted outreach promoting the value of Australian Antarctic science. The responsibilities of the Science Branch are diverse as we lead the Australian Government’s scientific program in Antarctica. Our research addresses critical issues including climate change, the human footprint in Antarctica, and the conservation of Antarctic and Southern Ocean wildlife. Our diverse research program covers physical and life sciences in the atmosphere, terrestrial and marine domains.

The Environmental Stewardship Program (ESP), within the Science Branch, is a multidisciplinary program that conducts scientific research and implements evidence-based conservation, environmental management, environmental assessments, remediation and mitigation actions in Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic. A key program area conducts and applies science and engineering research to understand risk, remediate and monitor impacts from human activities, including contaminants, in polar environments. The program collaborates closely with external research partners to deliver an actionable Cleaner Antarctica Strategy” for Australian stations, as well as scientific, environmental management and policy outcomes.

**The Job**
The Environmental Geoscientist (Contaminants) will work in a motivated team of scientists, engineers and technical specialists delivering on a range of the AAD’s Environmental Stewardship and monitoring objectives, including delivery of the Antarctic Clean-Up Strategy. This position will contribute to our current and future commitments to contaminated site assessments, environmental risk assessments, remediation and clean-up activities, and future commitments to evidence-based decision making to assess and manage potential impacts of activities of humans, infrastructure developments and operations in Antarctica. Outcomes of research conducted will underpin practical advice for managing human impacts and contamination in Antarctica.

**Key Duties**:
The Environmental Geoscientist (Contaminants) will provide scientific expertise to the whole of the Environmental Stewardship Program, with initial priority for the Cleaner Antarctic science program of works (environmental remediation, contaminated site and environmental risk assessments, remediation options development) with a key focus on leading, using, and integrating spatial data capture (e.g. GNSS, UAVs) and data visualisation in support of the full suite of environmental stewardship activities. Responsibilities include:

- Lead data capture, analysis, interpretation, presentation and use of environmental datasets to inform best practice environmental stewardship at and adjacent t